General Terms of Service for the payment of parking fees in the SKIDATA sweb Mobile Pay web-app


By using the SKIDATA sweb Mobile Pay web-app (hereafter referred to as the web-app) to pay for you parking ticket, you agree to the following terms of service:

1. SKIDATA GmbH is…(see ASFINAG example: )

2. The sweb Mobile Pay web-app is a simple browser-based payment page for short-term parking tickets issued by SKIDATA parking columns.

3. The web-app is operated by SKIDATA on behalf of the car park operator or owner.

4. SKIDATA operates the web-app from its secure cloud platforms in Europe, America and Australasia.

5. Payment via the sweb Mobile Pay web-app must be done directly before returning to your car to leave, since the fee price shown is calculated at the time of scanning the QR-code on the ticket.

6. If you stay longer after payment, then further fees may become due and must be paid before exit is possible.

· The payment via web-app has the same effect as if payment were done at a payment machine or cash desk.

7. The individual steps for ticket payment in the web-app are self-explanatory and include:

i. The customer uses a standard camera app or barcode scanner app to scan the QR-code on their short-term parking ticket and open the URL it contains.

ii. The web-app uses the facility and ticket numbers embedded in the URL to query the ticket price from the SKIDATA parking access system that issued the ticket.

iii. The web-app displays a payment page with facility name, entry time, price and payment options.

iv. The customer selects a payment method and enters their payment details or uses biometric identification to confirm payment. This step is performed transparently by a partner Payment Service Provider (PSP) like Adyen. This PSP will take care of transferring the fee amount from the customer’s account to the parking operator’s account.

v. After payment has been confirmed, the web-app sends a notification to the SKIDATA parking access system that issued the ticket. The parking system applies this payment to the customer’s parking ticket.

vi. The web-app shows a thank-you message and a button to view and store an electronic receipt.

vii. The customer can press this button to store the e-receipt (in PDF form) on their device or use the in-built share function to send or store it somewhere else (e.g. via email to oneself).

viii. The customer can exit with the ticket which the parking system recognizes as paid and will allow exit. In some car parks equipped with license-plate cameras, the barrier will open automatically at exit without needing to insert the ticket.

8. Payment will be of the amount shown on the web-app after scanning the QR-code printed on your short-term parking ticket. If the ticket fee increases between the time of scanning and payment completion, the payment will be rejected and canceled, and the new ticket price will be displayed. This can happen if scanning is done just before the next tariff step is reached.

9. Refunds and reclamations cannot be made via the sweb Mobile Pay web-app, instead these must be made either via the car park operator or via the credit card or banking organization that provides the payment method used by the customer. A ‘Support’ link is presented at the bottom of the web-app page to offer contact details for this case.

10. There will be no costs incurred by the user in connection with the use of the web-app. All data transmission costs must be included in the user’s own data agreement with their telecom service provider.

11. No user data will be stored by SKIDATA when you use this service – see also Privacy Policy.

12. When the customer selects a method of payment, they are forwarded to the respective Payment Service Provider (PSP) where the customer completes payment. The payment process and corresponding fund transfer transaction is performed by the PSP.

The terms and conditions of the car park operator/owner also apply. These can be found here.